If you are interested in learning more about Polycystic Kidney Disease then there is an ADPKD Information and Support Day on Saturday 19th November (available virtually or in person) where Professor Albert Ong, a leading authority on ADPKD, Consultant Nephrologist Dr Roslyn Simms and other experts will be giving talks and taking your ADPKD questions throughout the day – from PKD basics, to genetics, treatments and transplant. Join for all, or selected talks only. It is free to register, for more information visit the link https://bit.ly/ADPKDonline.
VACANCY – BSHI Chair Elect
We are seeking nominations from a senior, high-profile member of the society to the post of the BSHI Chair.
In this role, you will have the opportunity to shape the future direction of the Society, working with members of the main Committee, sub-committees and working groups. In addition, you will represent the professional interests of the Society, liaising with colleagues in other professional bodies and scientific societies.
An important role of the BSHI Chair is to help represent and further the interests of the Society. As such, you should have high professional standing amongst practitioners in the field of H&I. The candidate must have experience of working within the BSHI Committee structure and must be in a position to devote time and energy to this demanding role. The Chair is one of the three Officers of BSHI and is involved in making decisions on behalf of the membership that maintain the high standing of the Society.
This post would commence as a 12-month Chair Elect shadowing role with the current Chair (Dr Deborah Sage) from January 2023, followed by a three-year term as Chair from January 2024.
Please see the “Joining a committee” for a copy of the nomination form.
Graft Selection Strategy Workshop 2022
GSSW 2022 – Call for Case Studies
The Graft Selection Strategy Workshop 2022 is looking for case studies to highlight challenging patient cases in stem cell transplantation. If you’ve had any patient cases recently that made you wonder what other labs would do, then please consider submitting them to us for discussion during our popular Case Studies session. Please send a brief outline of the particular case to sharon.vivers@anthonynolan.org by Wednesday 26 October.
Tickets: £75.00 +VAT per person includes refreshments and lunch.
BSHI Diploma Training Day
The next BSHI Diploma Training Day to be held on Tuesday 1st November is now open for registration. Please see the registration form for further details (https://bshi.org.uk/events/). Application deadline is Friday 21st October 2022
BSHI Annual General Meeting 2022
The BSHI AGM 2022 will once again be held online from 10:00-13:00 on Wednesday 7th December 2022. Further details to follow, please save the date.