BTS and BSHI guidance for the use of Imlifidase Enabled Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation is now available on the BTS and BSHI websites. You must be logged in to access the document.
NEQAS Steering Committee vacancy – specialist platelet immunology knowledge
Please see the attached information regarding an opportunity for an individual with specialist knowledge of platelet immunology to join the UK NEQAS for H&I Steering Committee.
NEQAS Steering Committee vacancy – specialist platelet immunology knowledgeRead More
Histocompatibility for Transplant Fellows Workshop
Please see the events page for details of a free two-day “Histocompatibility for Transplant Fellows” workshop organised by King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre in Saudi Arabia, on Friday 2nd December and Saturday 3rd December.
MHRA communication – regulation of medical devices
Please find an attached letter from the MHRA, on the future regulation of medical devices. The letter outlines an extension of the standstill period to enable further development of the legislation.
Dr Richard Battle
Chair BSHI professional advisory group
BSHI HLA Antibody SIG – Registration Reminder
Registration is now open for the BSHI Special Interest Group (SIG) on 10th November, which will focus on HLA antibodies. Please see attached document for the preliminary agenda and details of how to register.