BBTS Conference 2022
GLASGOW SECBSHI 2022 (32nd Annual Conference)
Park Regis Hotel 160 Broad StreetASHI 48th Annual Meeting
ASHI welcomes you to our 2022 Annual Meeting! The American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics is an international society of professionals dedicated to advancing the science, education and application of immunogenetics and transplant immunology. Our vision is to improve the quality of human life and health through the translation and implementation of scientific innovations to clinical practice.
BSHI Training Day
OnlineInformation for the BSHI Training Day on Tuesday 1st November is now available. Please see the registration form for further details. Please complete the registration form electronically and return to by Friday 21st October. Registration_Training_Meeting_2022
BSHI Special Interest Group (SIG)
The meeting will be held virtually and will focus on antibodies, especially the listing of unacceptable antigens. Please find attached the preliminary agenda and details of how to register.
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