Much of the work BSHI performs is achieved through the BSHI committee, sub committees and society representatives. Each committee meets at least 3 times a year and has a written constitution and terms of reference.
Executive Committee
The BSHI committee is comprised of a Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Meetings Secretary, Education Board Chairman and Professional Advisory Group Chairman together with three ordinary members. Committee members are elected by the membership with a normal term of office of three years. The society has a written constitution, which is available from the secretary.
BSHI Education Board (BEB)
The BSHI Education Board aims to facilitate, develop and advance the academic and professional standing of BSHI and all its members. Two subcommittees, the Training and Development Executive (TDE) and Research Executive (RE) address the education and training requirements within H&I.
Training and Development Executive (TDE)
BEB Sub-committee
Research Executive (RE)
BEB Sub-committee
BSHI Professional Advisory Group (BPAG)
BSHI has nominated representatives to a number of other professional organisations and these representatives link to the BSHI Committee through the Professional Advisory Group (BPAG). In addition, the elected members of BPAG are responsible for co-ordinating BSHI input to official e.g. Department of Health working groups and documents.