The BSHI Conference 2023 recordings are now available.
The YouTube links can be found on the website
BSHI JBL Cycle 86
The BSHI JBL answers and marks for Cycle 86 are now available on the BSHI website here.
IBMS statement regarding pay offer
The IBMS raises concerns to Rt Hon Steve Barclay MP, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care’s letter to nurses
The IBMS welcomes the Government’s announcement to work with Unions to resolve the national strike action. However, we note in the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care’s letter to the Royal College of Nursing that the Government has made an exclusive offer for a separate pay spine for nurses.
We have serious concerns about such a move, which runs contra to the concept of a patient journey involving multiple professional groups, of equal importance to the delivery of care. The recent pandemic was the trigger moment that gave full recognition to the importance of diagnostics as an integral part of the delivery of patient care; to now separate one element of a patient care pathway, namely the nursing profession, from the common pay spine of the other non-medical professions undermines the unifying concept of Agenda for Change and consequently fragments the concept of care being delivered by a continuous multi-profession pathway.
We welcome the end to strike action which is a positive outcome for the NHS as it struggles to recover from the aftermath and the backlog of the pandemic. However, we are concerned that a separate pay spine for nurses could potentially have a negative affect on our profession. Any new pay spine must ensure that other healthcare professions have the same opportunities for career progression, regulation and development. To ensure that are our members voices heard, we will be discussing directly the Government with our concerns as part of our regular meetings with MPs and ministers across the four nations.
BSHI Conference 2023
We are excited to announce that the next BSHI Annual Conference will be held on 12-13th September 2023 at the Park Regis hotel in Birmingham, hosted by the Birmingham and Barnsley laboratories. The website is in the process of being built at and will be regularly updated. Please come and join us in Birmingham for what promises to be an exciting and rewarding meeting.
Julia Bodmer Travel Award
Applications for the Julia Bodmer Travel Award can now be submitted at any time.
To commemorate the life and work of Julia Bodmer and to recognise the seminal contributions she made to the field of human histocompatibility and immunogenetics, each year BSHI makes available an award of up to £2000. This is given with the aim of promoting the interaction and exchange of ideas between laboratories, either in the UK or overseas. The award is aimed at scientists who are at an early stage in their career working in H&I and are a BSHI member. It is intended to facilitate visits of at least two weeks duration to another laboratory to carry out a specific piece of research or to transfer new technologies.
For further details and to read about the experiences of two previous award recipients, please follow the link below.