We are asking for expressions of interest to organise the next BSHI conference in 2023!!!
If the conference venue at the Park Regis Hotel is a success we may consider using the same venue for 2023. This has many advantages as we will know how it works for the conference and the Trade Show – all we then need is an organising committee!!!
One option to consider is another laboratory collaborative to help organise the event. As you know this year the London labs have got together to help organise the conference and it has meant the pressures of planning a conference are shared across a number of labs. We’ve had all our organising meetings via Teams and Gemma from EBS does a lot of the hard work regarding conference organisation – what we need is input to develop the scientific programme. We are acutely aware of the pressures we’re all under at the moment so please consider, if you’d like to be involved in organising the next conference, maybe getting together with another lab or two.
It would be great if we could have an idea of plans for BSHI 2023 to let people know at the conference this year.
If you would like to get involved in BSHI 2023 please contact Deb Sage (BSHI Chair) deborah.sage@nhsbt.nhs.uk and Helena Lee (BSHI Meetings Secretary) Helena.Lee@mft.nhs.uk
Save the Date – Graft Selection Strategy Workshop 2022
The Graft Selection Strategy Workshop (GSSW) will be returning as an in-person event this year at the Royal College of Physicians, London on Friday 11th November 2022 from 09:30 – 16:30.
Save the date and join us for a fantastic day, where you will also get the chance to network in-person.
Contact: graftselectionstrategyworkshop@anthonynolan.org
Save the Date – Graft Selection Strategy Workshop 2022Read More
Vacancies – BSHI Training & Development Executive
There are upcoming vacancies on the BSHI Training and Development Executive (TDE) committee.
The BSHI TDE is an active committee responsible for overseeing H&I specialist training schemes and managing the BSHI CPD scheme. As training schemes are never static, enthusiastic BSHI members are sought to make a proactive contribution to future directions. If you have never been involved with you professional society and are passionate about training the next generation of H&I scientists, the TDE is a great place to start.
The closing date for these vacancies is 30th September 2022.
JBL results now available – Cycle 81
The BSHI JBL answers and marks for Cycle 81 are now available on the BSHI website (https://bshi.org.uk/training-and-development/previous-jbl-answers/)
RCPath Trainee Representative – Introduction
I would like to introduce myself as the new RCPath H&I Trainee Representative, for those who don’t know me, I am Head of Serology in NHSBT Birmingham and also an HSST trainee.
I will be taking over from Felicity May from Wales, who has done an amazing job over the past few years in helping shape improvements to the online exams and organising trainee support groups for each part of the FRCPath process. I would like to thank Felicity for her commitment to the role and her ongoing help as I transition into the post.
If anybody has any queries or comments around the FRCpath examinations or would like to join one of the trainee support groups, please feel free to contact me: clare.collins@nhsbt.nhs.uk.
Best wishes
Clare Collins