Earlier in 2022, BSHI received a number of direct and indirect reports of BSHI emails not being received by members. If any of your colleagues are affected, then please ask them to check their membership fees are up-to-date and also to check their Junk email folder as some Trusts have updated their settings. We have been assured that improvements have subsequently been made but if anyone encounters any further issues then please let us know.
Call for committee nominations
We are seeking enthusiastic BSHI members to fill the following vacancies within three of our BSHI committees. This is an excellent opportunity for you to get involved with our society:
Main Committee – Treasurer Elect
Training and Development Committee – Meeting Secretary Higher Training
Research Executive – Ordinary member
Deadline: 26th March 2025 @23:59. Further details available via https://bshi.org.uk/members/bshi-information/joining-a-committee/.
Call for committee nominations
We are seeking enthusiastic BSHI members to fill the following vacancies within two of our BSHI committees. This is an excellent opportunity for you to get involved with our society:
Main Committee – Secretary Elect
Training and Development Committee – Meetings Secretary
Training and Development Committee – IBMS Representative
Deadline: 30th January 2024 @23:59. Further details available via https://bshi.org.uk/members/bshi-information/joining-a-committee/.
Committee Elections
Following a review of the nominations, the BSHI Research Executive Chair and BSHI Education Board were uncontested and these appointments will be ratified at the AGM on Tuesday 5th December 2023. Unfortunately, no nominations were received for the Secretary Elect or TDE Meeting Secretary and we will therefore be running a second request to fill these roles at a later date.
Five applications were received for both the Main Committee (MC) and Research Executive (RE) Ordinary Member positions and therefore an election is required for these roles. There is one vacancy for the Main Committee and two for the Research Executive. The nominees are:
Alice Walsingham (MC)
Catherine Hastie (MC)
Kamla Reddi (RE)
Katie Whittle (RE)
Olivera Gjorgjimajkoska (MC and RE)
Patrick Flynn (RE)
Raymond Fernando (MC)
Sophie Chambers (MC and RE)
Further details are available on the voting platform (Election Runner).
You should have received an email from Election Runner (noreply@electionrunner.com) to your BSHI registered email address which will contain a link to vote, along with your unique username and password. If you have any issues with voting then please contact me directly and I will attempt to resolve them.
The election will be open for voting from Wednesday 8th November (00:01) until Wednesday 29th November (23:59).
Call for Career Stories and Articles
BSHI would like to invite members to participate in the following: H&I Career Stories We would like the BSHI website to reflect the amazing workforce we have within H&I, by highlighting career stories describing the experience of scientists working in H&I laboratories. It’s hoped this initiative will illustrate the diversity we have within our discipline and encourage young adults thinking about a career in H&I to give it a go. If you would like to get involved and help those thinking of a career in H&I by writing a short description of the opportunities and training you’ve received that has helped you get to where you are now in your career, please contact Dr Deb Sage (email: deborah.sage@nhsbt.nhs.uk) Articles for the Healthcare Science Leadership Journal The Healthcare Science Leadership Journal aims to encourage an interest in leadership amongst those in healthcare science, by showcasing examples of how leadership in healthcare science can influence and support excellent patient care. The Journal which is supported by the Academy for Healthcare Science and championed by its Professional Bodies Council, provides a high-level strategic discussion forum on healthcare policy, scientific leadership and horizon scanning of issues that may affect the whole of the healthcare science workforce. For information relating to articles published in previous editions of the Journal please see link below: https://www.ahcs.ac.uk/news-events/events/hcs-leadership-journal/ If you are interested in contributing an article for publication in the HCS Leadership journal, please contact Dr Deb Sage (email: deborah.sage@nhsbt.nhs.uk) |
Registration is now open for the BSHI Annual General Meeting (AGM), which is to be held on Tuesday 5th December 2023 between 10:00 – 13:00 via the Zoom platform.