The Cord Blood Unit Selection Advisory Panel (CBUSAP) consists of leading clinicians and scientists who, on a voluntary basis, aim to provide an advisory role to assist the final selection of umbilical cord blood (UCB) units for transplant based on experience based knowledge, peer-reviewed publications, national guidelines & evidence-based clinical practice. This group can offer an independent opinion on occasions when advice is needed to identify the preferred cord options for a given patient.
In pursuit of this, the CBUSAP will:
- Act as a source of independent, expert clinical advice to NHS Transplant Centres seeking either to validate their UCB unit selection or seeking advice in the choice of best UCB units for specific patients.
- Acknowledge requests for advice within 24 hours and provide advice within the following time frames:
- 10 working days after receipt of the original request for routine submissions
- 3 working days after receipt of the original request for urgent submissions
- Provide up-to-date, evidence-based advice for UCB unit selection for transplantation and in the absence of evidence, provide peer-review opinion.
- To request advice from the CBUSAP please download the "CBUSAP Application Form". There are three tabs to this file: 1. Guidance, 2. Flow Chart and 3. Cord Summary Table, which is used to enter patient and cord unit details. Submit the completed application form to:
- The ultimate responsibility for UCB unit selection remains within the clinical team who must also consider suitable alternative donor sources as directed within current BSBMT and BSHI Guidelines.

Dr Ann-Margaret Little
Consultant clinical scientist
Gartnavel General Hospital
The Cord Blood Unit Selection Advisory Panel is a collaborative project between:

Special Interest Groups (SIGs):
Special Interest Groups (SIGs), are set up to encourage and promote practical co-operation and research activities between members, usually in response to new technologies and their potential application to H&I.
These SIGs hold one day meetings and workshops and the SIG coordinators update the membership through the BSHI Newsletter.
SIGs work under the umbrella of the Education Board and in conjunction with the TDE and RE as appropriate.